If you are planning on teaching English 24 with a social justice theme or approach, we invite you to consider the possibility of having your English 24 certified as a KBCC Civic Engagement (CE) course.
Here’s why this might be a good idea:
- All KBCC students are required to complete a minimum of one CE experience, which must be satisfied by taking a certified CE course. So, by offering our students more CE certified versions of English 24, we help them fulfill their requirement more easily. (See here for more information about the requirement.)
- English instructors who have taught CE certified versions of English 24 report that their students appear more engaged in the course material and find their socially justice themed research more meaningful and applicable to the world.
- Adding more CE English 24 courses to our curriculum solidifies and strengthens our composition program’s and the Department’s commitment to socially-engaged teaching.
In the past, getting English 24 certified for CE credit required a time consuming process, in which each instructor had to individually submit their own course information to be approved by the Curriculum Committee. Thanks to the hard work of Annie Del Principe and a team of English faculty, however, we secured pre-certification (like TSA Pre-check!) for English 24 CE courses, as long as our instructors are willing to meet a couple of simple requirements. These include:
- Clearly noting the Civic Engagement credit information on the course syllabus; and
- Having students complete a specific version of a reflection at the end of the term.
We think these administrative requirements are easily integrated into the important work we already do in so many social justice versions of English 24.
- For more information on English 24 for CE credit, go here: Civic Engagement Info
- For a sample syllabus of English 24 with CE designation, go here: Sample CE syllabus
- For a sample CE reflection assignment, go here: Sample CE Reflection
- If you have questions, please reach out to the composition coordinators or to Rick Armstrong, the English Department Civic Engagement Liaison for 2023-2025.