Some faculty might feel very confident in designing their approaches to Composition I to align with the CLOs, while other faculty might want a fleshed out sample version of the course syllabus that they could use or modify as desired.
To that end, we’re providing a recommended sample syllabus themed around “How Writing Works.” This syllabus was designed with the CLOs in mind, and the assignments are annotated to show how each assignment targets a particular set of outcomes.
Alternatively, an instructor teaching in a learning community might adapt the sample syllabus above by restricting the focus of the Inquiry Project to align with the focus of the particular learning community. This sample syllabus demonstrates how one instructor developed a course centered on “The Craft of Writing” that includes units devoted to the linked astronomy course.
This sample provides another example of instructor designed an English 12 class linked with a philosophy course.
Please click here for a yet another sample course syllabus organized around the theme of “Knowledge and Education,” a theme that encourages metacognition and inquiry into education more broadly.