The 2019-2021 CRCs read and discussed the following “works consulted” as part of our curriculum revision work. In addition, we offer a growing list of scholarship recommended for further reading. Click here for an annotated version with full citation information.
- Ashanti-Young, Vershawn. “It Ain’t What It is: Code Switching and the White American Celebrationists”
- Ashanti-Young, Vershawn. “Should Writers Use They Own English?”
- Dolmage, Jay. “Mapping Composition: Inviting Disability in the Front Door”
- Grayson, Mara Lee. “Racial Literacy is Literacy: Locating Racial Literacy in the College Composition Classroom”
- Horner, Lu, Royster, & Trimbur “Language Difference in Writing: Toward a Translingual approach”
- Inoue, Asao. “Problematizing Grading and the White Habitus of the Writing Classroom”
- Kynard, Carmen. “Writing While Black: The Colour Line, Black Discourses and Assessment in the Institutionalization of Writing Instruction”
- Lee, Jerry Won. “Beyond Translingual Writing”
- Martinez, Aja. “A Plea for Critical Race Theory Counterstory: Stock Story versus Counterstory Dialogues Concerning Alejandra’s “Fit” in the Academy”
- Parmegiani, Andrea. “Bridging Literacy Practices Through Storytelling, Translanguaging, and an Ethnographic Partnership: A Case Study of Dominican Students at Bronx Community College”
- Radical Teacher vol 115 focused on Anti-Oppressive Composition Pedagogies; multiple authors
- Sealey Ruiz, Yolanda. “Building Racial Literacy in First-Year Composition”
- Skerrett, Allison. “English Teachers’ Racial Literacy Knowledge and Practice”
- “Students’ Right to Their Own Language.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. (including updated 2014 bibliography)
- Villareal & Garcia. “Self-determination and Goal Aspirations: African American and Latino Males’ Perceptions of Their Persistence in Community College Basic and Transfer-Level Writing Courses”
- Womack, Anne-Marie. “Teaching is Accommodation: Universally Designing Composition Classrooms and Syllabi”
- Wood, Harrison, & Jones. “Black Males’ Perceptions of the Work-College Balance: The Impact of Employment on Academic Success in the Community College”
Recommended for Further Reading
- Ashanti-Young, Vershawn Ashanti. Your Average Nigga: Performing Race, Literacy, and Masculinity
- Ashanti-Young, Vershawn Ashanti, Rusty Barrett, Y’Shanda Young-Rivera, and Kim Brian Lovejoy. Other People’s English: Code-Meshing, Code-Switching, and African American Literacy.
- Baker-Bell, April. Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy
- Davila, Bethany. “Standard English and Colorblindness in Composition Studies: Rhetorical Constructions of Racial and Linguistic Neutrality”
- Elbow, Peter. Vernacular Eloquence: What Speech Can Bring to Writing.
- Garcia, Romeo, and Damián Baca. Rhetorics Elsewhere and Otherwise
- Guerra, Juan. Language, Culture, Identity and Citizenship in College Classrooms and Communities
- hooks, bell. Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom
- Inoue, Asao B. Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching and Assessing For A Socially Just Future
- Inoue, Asao B., and Mya Poe. Race and Writing Assessment
- Kynard, Carmen. Vernacular Insurrections: Race, Black Protest, and the New Century in Composition-Literacies Studies
- Maraj, M. Black or Right: Anti/Racist Campus Rhetorics
- Martinez, Aja Y. Counterstory: The Rhetoric and Writing of Critical Race Theory
- Matsuda, Paul Kei. “The Myth of Linguistic Homogeneity in U.S. College Composition”
- Perryman-Clark, Staci, and Collin Lamont Craig. Black Perspectives in Writing Program Administration: From the Margins to the Center
- Perryman-Clark, Staci, David E. Kirkland, and Justin Jackson. Students’ Right to Their Own Language: A Critical Source Book
- Ruiz, Iris D., and Raúl Sánchez. Decolonizing Rhetoric and Composition Studies: New Latinx Keywords for Theory and Pedagogy
- Smitherman, Geneva. Talkin and Testifyin: The Language of Black America and Word from the Mother
- Villanueva, Victor. “On the Rhetorics and Precedents of Racism”