Annie Del Principe
The CCCC Special Committee on Composing a Statement on Anti-Black Racism and Black Linguistic Justice has just released its powerful statement on the C’s site. Take a look. It is no coincidence the that CRC has been immersed in the project of learning about “equity” in […]
TYCA — chaired by our own Cheryl Smith! — has just announced an awesome series of webinars entitled Teaching in a Time of Change. The sessions look awesome, and at least two of them overlap directly with CRC work last year and this coming year. I […]
Follow this link to join the listserv for the Two-Year College Association (TYCA), a branch of the larger National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
Please follow this link to a video recording of Asao Inoue’s address to the CCCC March 2019 in Pittsburgh, PA. As many of you know, this address triggered an impassioned response within the field of Comp/Rhet, on the WPA-L listserv, and even made it into Inside Higher Education. In Fall […]
Adler-Kassner’s address Linda Adler-Kassner, chair of the upcoming Conference on College Composition and Communication, just released her keynote address for the March 2018 CCCC.