Last fall, two surveys went out to all students in ENG1200 and 12A0, one at midterm and one after the semester was over. The midterm survey asked students about how they saw themselves as writers, how they were doing so far in ENG12, and what kinds of things were contributing, […]
Rachel Ihara
We take a particular approach to portfolios in Comp I, an approach that emphasizes faculty collaboration around assessment. However, there are many ways of using portfolios to promote learning, as the articles in this special issue of ATD demonstrates.
New title from the WAC Clearinghouse offers ideas for using AI in the writing classroom.
This is a really interesting podcast about learning from mistakes with a lot of helpful insights for teaching Comp I and II, particularly for those trying to understand why some students fail to submit work or simply stop attending: %
There’s been a lot of buzz about ChatGPT. Here’s a link to some resources so we can start to educate ourselves about AI text generators and what they might mean for teaching comp!
Kingsborough Professors Emily Schnee and Gregory Bruno will share insights from their recent articles, both of which consider how circumstances beyond the writing classroom impact students’ experiences. Gregory’s work, which appeared in JBW, explores how faculty understand and navigate college policies that affect their students’ lives. Emily’s forthcoming article draws […]
Wednesday, March 23rd, 3pm – 4:15pm| Race in the Writing Classroom Professor Sophie Bell, of St. John’s University, will share ideas about using race as a topic in writing classrooms, drawing upon her book, Mapping Racial Literacies, College Students Write About Race and Segregation. Participants will engage in a classroom […]
This looks great! Tisha and Paule will be doing a related presentation (along with Cheryl Smith) on Friday, November 5th at 1 pm. The focus of this later workshop will be on selecting reading in Composition courses. Come to one or both!
Please join us on Friday, November 5th, at 1 pm, for a discussion led Professors Cheryl Smith and Tisha Ulmer (with former student Paule Lafortune) on the question of what texts to assign in composition classes. Check the Comp Faculty Lounge Blackboard site and your KCC email for Zoom meeting […]